【大學快報第265期】銘傳大學與高教工會針對工會活動權爭議於勞動部裁決委員會中達成和解 確認工會得於銘傳大學校內舉辦各項活動且得免費借用教室 Witnessed by MOL, MCU signed Reconciliation Agreement with Union



The Taiwan Higher Education Union (Ming Chuan branch) held the “What You Must Know about Teachers’ Evaluations Workshop” last November 29th on Ming Chuan University campus. However, the MCU management including the vice president and staff members prevented, misguided and threatened the union members who joined the workshop. Later, staff members stayed outside the venue to monitor and record the meeting, which might have already violated Article 35 (5) of the Labor Union Act. Thus, the Union filed an official Unfair Labor Practice complaint to the Ministry of Labor at the end of February.



To investigate this case prudently, there are four official investigation meetings which were held on July 23rd, August 13th, September 10th and September 17th.



During the investigation meetings, the evidence presented by the Union included audio and video recordings and photographs. As being exhorted by the Ruling Committee of Unfair Labor Practice, MCU eventually agreed to reach a reconciliation with Union. The major agreements are as follows.


  1. 乙方(銘傳大學)尊重並同意甲方(高教工會)依法於校內舉行工會相關活動。 MCU respects and agrees that the Union can hold on-campus union activities as abiding by the law.
  2. 高教工會於(銘傳大學)校內舉辦工會相關活動,如有需要借用教室場地時,得免費使用教室。 The Union can use classrooms without any charge when having union related activities on MCU campuses.



With the witness of four committee members of the MOL Ruling Committee for Unfair Labor Practice, Tsai Zhi-yang (蔡志揚), Hou Yue-Hong (侯岳宏), Lin Hou-jun (林垕君), and Chang Kuo-xi (張國璽), the MCU delegates, Dr. Fan Chung-Yuan (樊中原 Secretary General of General Secretary Division), Dr. Liu Kuang-hua (劉廣華 Director of English Language Center, Director of International Education and Exchange Division) and Dr. Lee Kai-yuan ( 李開遠Dean of Law Department) and the Union signed the settlement.


The Union asserts that all labor union related activities on campus are protected by the Labor Union Act. The Union hopes, on the foundation of legal protections and reconciliations, MCU can truly respect the Union’s rights to hold on-campus activities and will not influence or impede the Union’s activities in the future. It’s also our hope that, in view of this case, more universities in Taiwan can realize the positive values of unions, respect unions’ rights that are ensured by laws, and respond to union organizations and activities in a friendly and healthy manner.