【大學快報395期】英國文化協會教師集體加入工會 成立分部!THEU-British Council Taiwan Branch is Established!

受聘於英國文化協會(台灣)語言中心的教師們(包含本國籍與外國籍),近日集體加入台灣高等教育產業工會,並正式成立分部(下稱工會BC分部),共同推選出Jack Falconer老師、Travis Fry老師,擔任工會BC分部召集人與副召集人。因為教師們深信:透過團結加入工會有助改善所有受僱於教育產業的勞動者處境!

Teachers at the British Council Taiwan have decided to join a trade union. The main reasons are that we believe that being in a union is a way to improve the jobs of all people working in education.


Our teachers have not received an inflation based pay rise since the British Council Taiwan was established in 2005. Working with THEU we hope to achieve fair and equal pay that reflects the rising cost of living and inflation.


We are also aiming for better work life balance. Currently, our staff are often forced to work both Saturday and Sunday. We accept that our business falls on the weekend, but making us work both weekend days prevents us from spending normal family time with our spouses and children. We want the BC to allow full time staff to work either Saturday or Sunday and not both.


In addition, many of our teachers are hourly paid part time workers, and we want to make sure that their contracts allow them a fair amount of annual leave and sick leave pay. We want better benefits for them, and more full time jobs to become available.


Finally, we want to protect our jobs and current benefits, protecting things like our medical insurance scheme that we worry could be taken away.


To sum up, with our own THEU-BC branch we hope to be able to improve the welfare and status of all our staff, so that we can continue to provide high standards of language teaching and training to the people of Taiwan.