台灣高等教育產業工會 公告
- 投票地點:台灣高等教育產業工會辦公室
(台北市中山區伊通街59巷6號4樓) - 投票日期:113年6月11日(二) 上午09:30至113年6月20日(四) 下午17:30
- 投票時間:投票日期期間每日上午09:30~下午17:30 ,6月15日(星期六)、6月16日(星期日)兩天暫停投票
- 開票地點:台灣高等教育產業工會辦公室
(台北市中山區伊通街59巷6號4樓) - 開票時間:113年6月20日(四) 下午18:00
- 英協文教有限公司教師(包括全職full time及時薪制hourly-paid教師)之薪資或鐘點費應提高25%。
- 英協文教有限公司(全職)教師之出勤排班,以星期六、星期日分別為例假與休息日,如徵得教師同意連續於星期六及星期日排課工作,應加發出勤當日之鐘點費。
- 英協文教有限公司調整全職(full time)教師至全體聘僱教師比例達80%,以維持教學人員及教學品質之穩定。
Announcement of Taiwan Higher Education Union
Date of Announcement: June 7, 2024
Document Number: THEU No. 1130000022
Basis: According to Articles 53 and 54 of Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes
Subject: Announcement of the strike voting by the British Council Branch of the Taiwan Higher Education Union, including details of the polling station, voting date, start and end times of the voting, the counting location, and counting time. Also included are voter qualifications, main text, voter instructions, and criteria for invalid ballots.
Announcement Details:
- Polling Station, Voting Date, Voting Hours, Counting Location, and Counting Time:
- Polling Location: Taiwan Higher Education Union Office
(4F, No. 6, Lane 59, Yitong Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)
- Voting Dates: June 11, 2024 (Tuesday) to June 20, 2024 (Thursday)
[Voting will be suspended on June 15 (Saturday) and June 16 (Sunday)]
- Voting Hours: 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM
- Counting Location: Taiwan Higher Education Union Office
(4F, No. 6, Lane 59, Yitong Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)
- Counting Time: June 20, 2024 (Thursday) at 06:00 PM
*Please do not use mobile phones or bring any recording devices into the polling station. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Voter Qualifications: All members of the Taiwan Higher Education Union who are still employed by the British Council (Taiwan), Limited as of June 10, 2024.
- Main Text: The Taiwan Higher Education Union and the British Council (Taiwan), Limited failed to reach an agreement on the disputes regarding salary increases and working on regular leave (for details, please refer to attachment 1 below) during the mediation held by Department of Labor, Taipei City Government on May 20, 2024. According to the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes, all members of the Taiwan Higher Education Union who are still employed by the British Council (Taiwan), Limited as of June 10, 2024, are to vote on whether to approve a strike and set up a picket line. If the strike vote is approved, the union’s board of directors is authorized to draft a strike plan and proceed with the strike. (Explanation: The strike plan includes details such as the strike dates and methods. The strike will be implemented after the strike vote is approved and will continue until the labor dispute is resolved.)
Attachment 1: The strike dispute between Taiwan Higher Education Union and British Council (Taiwan) Limited are as follow:
- Salaries or hourly wages of teachers (both full-time and hourly-paid) should be increased by 25%, reflecting the rise of Consumer Price Index in Taipei City since 2005.
- For full-time teachers, they should have at least one day-off on Saturday or Sunday. If they agree to work continuously on Saturdays and Sundays, the hourly wages for those days should be increased accordingly.
- To maintain the stability of teaching staff and quality, the proportion of full-time teachers employed by the British Council (Taiwan) Limited should be adjusted to 80% of the total teaching staff.
- Voter Instructions:
(a) Please complete the voting at the designated polling station during the specified hours.
(b) Bring a photo ID for verification and sign or stamp to receive the ballot.
- Criteria for Invalid Ballots:
(a) Ballots with unclear or blank markings.
(b) Ballots with alterations.
(c) Ballots with any objects attached that indicate a hidden code.
(d) Ballots that are contaminated or torn and cannot be identified.
- Voting and Counting Process: This vote will be conducted and counted centrally. The ballot box will be sealed on-site at the beginning of the voting and will be opened at 06:00 PM on June 20, 2024, at the union office for counting.
- Publication: This announcement will be simultaneously published on the union’s official website ( and Facebook page (