

英國文化協會外籍教師下週投票 最快6月底罷工!
提醒可能受影響學生及家長 提前聯繫各教學中心




歷經五次勞資協商以及由台北市勞動局所召開的勞資爭議調解,由英國在台辦事處所設的英國文化協會(British Council),在台北各地英語教學中心[1]所聘僱的外籍英語教師,在面對資方拒絕讓步、給予合理調薪回應後,別無選擇,即將於下週(6月11日)起,正式進行罷工投票。一旦取得過半數工會會員投票同意後,若資方仍拒絕提出更合理的調薪方案,最快預計將於6月底展開罷工




  • 時間:2024年6月 5日,下午一點整。
  • 地點:英國文化協會信義教學中心一樓廣場(台北市信義路五段106號)



[1] 英語教師們實際上受僱於英國文化協會在台灣設立登記的「英協文教有限公司」。

[Notice of THEU outdoors press conference on June 5]

20 years pay freeze, 25% inflation and No reasonable pay raise
Teachers at British Council Taiwan will have strike vote next week
The strike is expected to begin as early as the end of June


After five rounds of negotiations between British Council Taiwan and the Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU), and the official mediation by the Department of Labor, Taipei City Government, the British Council Taiwan (set up by the British Office in Taiwan) still refuse to concede and provide a reasonable pay increase. The teachers at British Council Taiwan[1] have no choice but to proceed with a strike vote starting next week (June 11).


If a majority of union members vote in favor and the employer still refuses to offer a more reasonable pay increase proposal, the strike is expected to begin as early as the end of June. Before the strike vote, THEU will hold a press conference tomorrow (5th) at 1 PM in the plaza of the British Council Taiwan – XinYi Teaching Center building, with around 50 supporters from various unions and labor groups in Taiwan.


THEU and teachers at British Council Taiwan will make a public statement and will also distribute flyers to students and parents, sincerely hoping that the approximately 600 to 800 affected Taiwanese students (and their parents) will understand that if the teachers ultimately choose to strike, it is a painful decision made only after exhausting all other options. The union hopes that students and parents, upon understanding the situation, will express their support for the teachers’ fight for a reasonable pay increase to the British Council. The union also advises students and parents to contact their respective teaching centers in advance to inquire about class arrangements and refund-related matters.


  • Date & Time: 1 PM, June 5, 2024
  • Location: The plaza of the British Council Taiwan XinYi Teaching Center building (106 XinYi Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan)


[1] The teachers at British Council Taiwan collectively joined Taiwan Higher Education Union since last August. Now there are two third teachers at British Council Taiwan are members of the union.