英國文化協會外籍教師下週投票 最快6月底罷工
歷經五次勞資協商以及由台北市勞動局所召開的勞資爭議調解不成立後,由英國在台辦事處所設的英國文化協會(British Council Taiwan, BC),在台各地英語教學中心[1]聘僱的外籍英語教師,在面對資方拒絕讓步、給予合理調薪回應後,別無選擇,將於下週(6月11日)起正式進行罷工投票。一旦取得過半數會員投票同意,若資方仍拒絕提出更合理的調薪方案,最快預計將於6月底展開罷工!
- 自2004年英國文化協會(British Council Taiwan)在台設立英語教學中心,開始聘僱外籍教師從事英語教學以來,已20年未曾調漲教師薪資。
- 過去20年以來,台北地區的物價上漲幅度已超過25%。
- 最近8年,BC對家長學生收取的學費已大幅調高超過35%。
- 近5到6年,BC在台灣的驚人「獲利能力」,遠高於8成以上台灣上市櫃公司。更因台灣業務獲利豐厚,BC數日前已正式於林口,盛大慶祝成立在台第四個英語教學中心。
今天出席記者會的英國文化協會外籍老師們,在平日上課的教學中心大樓廣場,更是大聲喊出他們的心聲:「20 Years, No Fair Pay–British Council, Hear Our Say!」、「Two Decades of Dedication, Still No Fair Compensation!」、「British Council, Do What’s Right – Fair Pay for Our Fight!」
[1] 英語教師們實際上受僱於英國文化協會在台灣設立登記的「英協文教有限公司」。
[Press Release of THEU outdoors press conference on June 5]
20 years pay freeze, 25% inflation and No reasonable pay raise
Teachers at British Council Taiwan will have strike vote next week
Strike action is expected to begin as early as the end of June
After five rounds of negotiations between British Council Taiwan (BC Taiwan) and the Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU), and the official mediation by the Department of Labor, Taipei City Government, the BC Taiwan (set up by the British Office in Taiwan) still refuse to concede and provide a reasonable pay increase. The teachers at BC Taiwan[1] have no choice but to proceed with a strike vote starting next week (June 11).
It would be the first time in Taiwan’s history that teachers hold a strike vote, and it might even become the first time teachers’ strike action in Taiwan’s history!
If a majority of union members vote in favor and the employer still refuses to offer a more reasonable pay increase proposal, the strike is expected to begin as early as the end of June. Before the strike vote, THEU holds an outdoor press conference today (5th June) at 1 PM in the plaza of the BC Taiwan – XinYi Teaching Center building, with more than 60 supporters from various unions and labor groups in Taiwan.
As Prof. Chen, Hsin-Hsing who is the professor of Shih-Hsin University Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies and also one of the negotiation team of the union said today:
“No workers in the world wants to go on strike, if a strike is avoidable, if their livelihood can be protected by other means. By participating in collective bargaining sessions together with our fellow union members for the past 6 months, I came to understand, no matter what individual members of the British Council management think privately, this organization is determined to maximize its profit at the expense of its employees, exactly like so many other corporations in the world do. They have little intention to right the wrongs suffered by British Council Teachers and Staff for the past 20 years. And the management think they can walk away just fine. But this time, they are wrong. This time, workers are united. They are not going to put up with whatever the management decides anymore. And they have the right to strike!”
THEU and teachers at British Council Taiwan reiterates that, from any perspective or fact, there is no any reason for the British Council Taiwan to refuse the reasonable salary adjustment requested by the teachers:
- Since the BC Taiwan established its English teaching center in 2004 and began hiring teachers to teach English, teachers’ salaries have not been raised in 20 years.
- In the past 20 years, the cost of living in Taipei has increased by more than 25%.
- In the last 8 years, BC has significantly increased tuition fees by over 35%.
- In the past 5 to 6 years, BC’s astounding profitability in Taiwan has far exceeded that of more than 80% of publicly listed companies in Taiwan. Due to the lucrative profits from its Taiwan operations, BC recently celebrated the grand opening of its fourth English teaching center in Linkou.
Today, the teachers of the BC Taiwan loudly expressed their sentiments in the plaza of the teaching center where they usually conduct classes:
“20 Years, No Fair Pay – British Council, Hear Our Say!”
“Two Decades of Dedication, Still No Fair Compensation!”
“British Council, Do What’s Right – Fair Pay for Our Fight!”
Prof. Huang, Han-Yu who is the professor of National Taiwan Normal University Department of English and also a member of THEU board of directors mentioned especially:
“These teachers do not only work for BC Taiwan; they are invaluable partners for our government policy the bilingual country…We believe that this action will not be an exception; it will be the first step to global solidarity among BC’s teachers worldwide.”
The National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) representing more than 80,000 teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan, who came to show their support, also particularly reminded:
“It is clear that the BC Taiwan hasn’t valued teachers’ work for 20 years, the time of teachers’ contribution to English learning development in Taiwan. The BC Taiwan is part of the Taiwan Bilingual Policy initiatives, meaning that they are resourced by the government while making extreme profit from parents by selling expensive courses, summer camps and teaching materials in relation with the English test organized by the Council. This is not just a cultural Council. This is a profitable business. This is an international education corporation. They run globally and make money globally. 20 years of teachers’ silence doesn’t mean that the British Council is right. Now it’s the time to unveil the truth, mobilize members and fight back.”
At last, THEU and teachers at British Council Taiwan made a public statement and also distributed flyers to students and parents, sincerely hoping that the approximately 600 to 800 affected Taiwanese students (and their parents) will understand that if the teachers ultimately choose to strike, it is a difficult decision made only after exhausting all other options. The union hopes that students and parents, upon understanding the situation, will express their support for the teachers’ fight for a reasonable pay increase to the British Council.
[1] The teachers at British Council Taiwan collectively joined Taiwan Higher Education Union since last August. Now there are two third teachers at British Council Taiwan are members of the union.